I have neglected this blog terribly, but life had gotten in the way. I have had little time to ponder things. We have been fininshing up our school year and co-op. We have had a recital a week for the last 3 weeks. Since my wonderful husband has given his time as a audio engineer to these groups, we have not only perfomed in the recitals, but have set up and broken down the sound systems as well.
We have put the books away and I am desperately trying to catch up with the laundry and the housework. We finished planting the garden last night. We have neglected our yard these last few years. It is hard to keep up with the outside when the inside is in chaos. So it is wonderful to see all those little plants growing, this is the biggest garden we have ever planted. I am hoping that we will be able to freeze a lot this year.
My mother-in-law gave me a wonderful birthday gift this year, two garden consultations with a master organic gardener. She also raises chickens in her suburban yard. She came over for our first consultation and had some great suggestions and encouragement since we seem to have a lot of sunshine in yard. So, we are trying a three sister's garden this year. http://faq.gardenweb.com/faq/lists/teach/2003045238014436.html . We are growing pumpkins and some watermelon instead of traditional squash since we like it better. Grace (that is her name) also offered to give us some composted chicken bedding from her chicken run. So last night we piled into the vehicles and loaded up on manure. Dad had the fun of driving the manure home in his van.
5 year old son: " Dad can I ride home with you?"
Dad: "Sure son, but the manure is in it."
Son: " Ok. YEAH!! I get to ride in the VAN!!"
Son: (one block from Grace's house) " Dad, WHAT IS THAT SMELL?!!"
Sigh, maybe we will never have that farm.